
Project Purpose

Develop a web application (FoodHub) that recommends personalized recipes to users based on their dietary preferences, allergies, and cooking expertise.


  • Create a user-friendly interface for inputting dietary preferences and receiving recipe recommendations.
  • Integrate web scraping techniques to gather recipe data from various online sources.
  • Implement machine learning algorithms to analyze user data and recommend recipes with high accuracy.


  • Data cleaning and normalization: Ensuring consistency and usability of scraped recipe data.
  • Dealing with recipe variations: Accounting for different cooking styles, ingredients, and portion sizes.
  • User feedback integration: Continuously improving recipe recommendations based on user preferences and engagement.


  • Developed a user-friendly web application with an intuitive interface for recipe recommendations.
  • Successfully integrated web scraping to access and utilize a vast database of recipes.
  • Implemented machine learning algorithms to generate personalized recipe suggestions based on user profiles.
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