Credit Card Users Churn Prediction

This project aims to develop a robust Credit Card Users Churn prediction model to proactively identify customers at risk of canceling their service.

Project Purpose

Develop a predictive model to identify credit card users at risk of churning (canceling their service) and predict the reasons behind it.


  • Build a highly accurate model to predict potential credit card users churn.
  • Analyze the data to understand key factors influencing credit card users churn behavior.
  • Generate actionable insights for targeted interventions to retain valuable customers.


  • Imbalanced datasets: A common challenge in credit card users churn prediction is the disproportionate number of customers who stay versus churn.
  • Feature engineering: Selecting and transforming raw data into features that significantly impact the model’s ability to predict credit card users churn requires careful consideration.
  • Model interpretability: Understanding how the model arrives at its credit card Users churn predictions is crucial for building trust and implementing effective interventions.


  • Achieved over 90% accuracy in predicting credit card user churn.
  • Conducted feature importance analysis to identify critical factors influencing churn, such as spending habits, credit utilization, and customer service interactions.
  • Developed a robust model using techniques like cross-validation and ensemble learning to improve generalization and avoid overfitting.

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